- I've gone back to back with my rotations with a few weeks here and there. I would recommend doing the same! On the same note, you get burned out pretty easily. It has been nice to squeeze some electives in between my cores to give me a "break." Electives don't have shelves so they are usually a little more laid back and you can focus more on studying for Step 2.
- Schedule your electives early, especially if you want electives at non affiliate locations (aka hospitals our school doesn't necessarily have relationships with, and you have to apply for or know a doctor who is willing to take you on). Most hospitals start scheduling May 1st for the entire year. So if you want a rotation in March, you have to apply the May before that. Also keep in mind that some hospitals don't let us apply because you have to be from a LCME accredited school, which we are not at this time. Look at the hospital's website for visiting students to see if you are eligible or not.
- Study everyday! I know Step 2 seems like a long ways away but it will sneak up and the more times you go over the material, the more it will stick!
- Be willing to move around if need be, even though it is tiring moving all the time, I have loved it! I've gotten to explore so many new places and once you're a doctor you won't have the time to travel as much so do it now! :) I went to Augusta (nothing to really explore there but the rotations were good), Atlanta (lots to explore), Puerto Rico (the most beautiful place), Connecticut and Wyoming to come!
- Your Background Check and Drug Screen expire after one year so you have to redo it. Be prepared for this, I was not informed and then had to do it very quickly to start my next rotation.
- For OBGYN electives your choices are Baltimore, Augusta or Atlanta, Michigan or Puerto Rico.
This is all that I can think of now but I'm sure the list will continue to grow!